Class ConditionalCommand

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConditionalCommand
extends CommandBase
Runs one of two commands, depending on the value of the given condition when this command is initialized. Does not actually schedule the selected command - rather, the command is run through this command; this ensures that the command will behave as expected if used as part of a CommandGroup. Requires the requirements of both commands, again to ensure proper functioning when used in a CommandGroup. If this is undesired, consider using ScheduleCommand.

As this command contains multiple component commands within it, it is technically a command group; the command instances that are passed to it cannot be added to any other groups, or scheduled individually.

As a rule, CommandGroups require the union of the requirements of their component commands.

  • Constructor Details

    • ConditionalCommand

      public ConditionalCommand​(Command onTrue, Command onFalse, java.util.function.BooleanSupplier condition)
      Creates a new ConditionalCommand.
      onTrue - the command to run if the condition is true
      onFalse - the command to run if the condition is false
      condition - the condition to determine which command to run
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      The initial subroutine of a command. Called once when the command is initially scheduled.
    • execute

      public void execute()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      The main body of a command. Called repeatedly while the command is scheduled.
    • end

      public void end​(boolean interrupted)
      Description copied from interface: Command
      The action to take when the command ends. Called when either the command finishes normally, or when it interrupted/canceled.
      interrupted - whether the command was interrupted/canceled
    • isFinished

      public boolean isFinished()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Whether the command has finished. Once a command finishes, the scheduler will call its end() method and un-schedule it.
      whether the command has finished.
    • runsWhenDisabled

      public boolean runsWhenDisabled()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Whether the given command should run when the robot is disabled. Override to return true if the command should run when disabled.
      whether the command should run when the robot is disabled