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UltrasonicSensor - Class in frc.team670.pi.sensors
Represents an ultrasonic sensor connected to the pi motor shield
UltrasonicSensor(Pin, Pin, int) - Constructor for class frc.team670.pi.sensors.UltrasonicSensor
Creates an ultrasonic sensor that could measure distance and check if its triggered based on a boundary
UltrasonicTest - Class in frc.team670.pi.tests
Represents a DC motor which can be controlled with the pi motorshield.
UltrasonicTest() - Constructor for class frc.team670.pi.tests.UltrasonicTest
unregisterSubsystem(Subsystem...) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandScheduler
Un-registers subsystems with the scheduler.
update() - Method in class frc.team670.pi.sensors.Encoder
Runs the encoder counting in another thread
useOutput(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDSubsystem
Uses the output from the PIDController.
Utils - Class in jpigpio
Utils() - Constructor for class jpigpio.Utils
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