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- parallel(Command...) - Static method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandGroupBase
Factory method for
, included for brevity/convenience. - ParallelCommandGroup - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command
A CommandGroup that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending when the last command ends.
- ParallelCommandGroup(Command...) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.ParallelCommandGroup
Creates a new ParallelCommandGroup.
- ParallelDeadlineGroup - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command
A CommandGroup that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending only when a specific command (the "deadline") ends, interrupting all other commands that are still running at that point.
- ParallelDeadlineGroup(Command, Command...) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.ParallelDeadlineGroup
Creates a new ParallelDeadlineGroup.
- ParallelRaceGroup - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command
A CommandGroup that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending when any one of the commands ends and interrupting all the others.
- ParallelRaceGroup(Command...) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.ParallelRaceGroup
Creates a new ParallelCommandRace.
- PCD_AntennaOff() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Turns the antenna off by disabling pins TX1 and TX2.
- PCD_AntennaOn() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Turns the antenna on by enabling pins TX1 and TX2.
- PCD_CalculateCRC(byte[], byte, byte[]) - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Use the CRC coprocessor in the MFRC522 to calculate a CRC_A.
- PCD_ClearRegisterBitMask(byte, byte) - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Clears the bits given in mask from register reg.
- PCD_GetAntennaGain() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Get the current MFRC522 Receiver Gain (RxGain[2:0]) value.
- PCD_Init() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Initializes the MFRC522 chip.
- PCD_ReadRegister(byte) - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Reads a byte from the specified register in the MFRC522 chip.
- PCD_ReadRegister(byte, byte[], byte) - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Reads a number of bytes from the specified register in the MFRC522 chip.
- PCD_Reset() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Performs a soft reset on the MFRC522 chip and waits for it to be ready again.
- PCD_SetAntennaGain(byte) - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Set the MFRC522 Receiver Gain (RxGain) to value specified by given mask.
- PCD_SetRegisterBitMask(byte, byte) - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Sets the bits given in mask in register reg.
- PCD_WriteRegister(byte, byte) - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Write single byte to specified register
- PCD_WriteRegister(byte, byte[]) - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.MFRC522
Write set of values (bytearray) to specified register.
- PercentOutput - frc.team670.pi.ControlMode
Percent output [-1.0, +1.0]
- periodic() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem
When the run method of the scheduler is called this method will be called.
- periodic() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDSubsystem
- periodic() - Method in interface edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Subsystem
This method is called periodically by the
. - PerpetualCommand - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command
A command that runs another command in perpetuity, ignoring that command's end conditions.
- PerpetualCommand(Command) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PerpetualCommand
Creates a new PerpetualCommand.
- perpetually() - Method in interface edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command
Decorates this command to run perpetually, ignoring its ordinary end conditions.
- PI_ALT0 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_ALT1 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_ALT2 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_ALT3 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_ALT4 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_ALT5 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_BAD_BUF_MILLIS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_CFG_INTERNAL - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_CHAIN_CMD - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_CHAIN_DELAY - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_CHAIN_LOOP - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_CHANNEL - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_CLK_MICROS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_CLK_PERIPH - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_CLK_SOURCE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_DATABITS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_DUTY_RANGE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_DUTYCYCLE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_DUTYRANGE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_EDGE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_FIFO_COMMAND - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_FILTER - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_FLAGS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_FOREVER - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_GPIO - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_HANDLE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_HCLK_FREQ - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_HCLK_PASS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_HPWM_DUTY - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_HPWM_FREQ - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_I2C_ADDR - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_I2C_BAUD - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_I2C_BUS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_I2C_CMD - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_I2C_RLEN - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_I2C_SEG - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_I2C_WLEN - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_IF_FLAGS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_ISR_INIT - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_LEVEL - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_MALLOC_MODE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_MICROS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_MICS_DELAY - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_MILS_DELAY - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_MODE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_MS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_PARAM - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_PARAM_NUM - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_PATHNAME - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_POINTER - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_PRIM_CHANNEL - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_PUD - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_PULSELEN - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_PULSEWIDTH - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SCRIPT - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SCRIPT_CMD - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SECO_CHANNEL - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SECONDS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SER_DEVICE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SER_INVERT - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SER_OFFSET - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SER_SPEED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SERIAL_BUF - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SERIAL_COUNT - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SERIAL_STRUC - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SIGNUM - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SOCKET_PORT - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SPI_CHANNEL - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SPI_COUNT - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_SPI_SPEED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_STOPBITS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_TAG - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_TIMER - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_TIMETYPE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_USER_GPIO - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_VAR_NUM - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_WAVE_BAUD - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_WAVE_ID - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_WAVE_MODE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_WDOG_TIMEOUT - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_WVSC_COMMND - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_WVSM_COMMND - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_BAD_WVSP_COMMND - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_CHAIN_COUNTER - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_CHAIN_LOOP_CNT - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_CHAIN_NESTING - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_CHAIN_TOO_BIG - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_CLEAR - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_CUSTOM_ERR_0 - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_CUSTOM_ERR_999 - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_DEFAULT_DUTYCYCLE_RANGE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_DEPRECATED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_DUP_TAG - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_EITHER_EDGE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_EMPTY_WAVEFORM - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_FALLING_EDGE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO_IN_USE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_GPIO10 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO11 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO12 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO13 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO14 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO15 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO16 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO17 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO18 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO19 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO2 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO20 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO21 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO22 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO23 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO24 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO25 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO26 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO27 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO3 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO4 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO5 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO6 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO7 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO8 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_GPIO9 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_HIGH - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_HPWM_ILLEGAL - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_HW_CLK_MAX_FREQ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_HW_CLK_MIN_FREQ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_HW_PWM_MAX_FREQ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_HW_PWM_MIN_FREQ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_HW_PWM_RANGE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_I2C_OPEN_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_I2C_READ_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_I2C1_SCL - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_I2C1_SDA - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_INIT_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_INITIALISED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_INPUT - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_LOW - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_LSBFIRST - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_MAX_DUTYCYCLE_RANGE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_MAX_SERVO_PULSEWIDTH - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_MICROSECONDS - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_MIN_DUTYCYCLE_RANGE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_MIN_SERVO_PULSEWIDTH - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_MSBFIRST - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_MSG_TOOBIG - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NO_ALERT_FUNC - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NO_AUX_SPI - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NO_HANDLE - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NO_MEMORY - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NO_SCRIPT_ROOM - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NO_TX_WAVE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_NO_WAVEFORM_ID - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_HALTED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_HCLK_GPIO - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_HPWM_GPIO - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_I2C_GPIO - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_INITIALISED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_PERMITTED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_PWM_GPIO - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_SERIAL_GPIO - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NOT_SERVO_GPIO - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_NTFY_FLAGS_ALIVE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_NTFY_FLAGS_GPIO - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_NTFY_FLAGS_WDOG - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_OFF - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_ON - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_PIGIF_ERR_0 - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_PIGIF_ERR_99 - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_PUD_DOWN - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_PUD_OFF - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_PUD_UP - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_RISING_EDGE - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SCRIPT_FAILED - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SCRIPT_HALTED - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SCRIPT_INITING - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SCRIPT_WAITING - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SECONDS - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SER_OPEN_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_SER_READ_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_SER_READ_NO_DATA - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_SER_WRITE_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_SERVO_OFF - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SET - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SOCK_READ_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_SOCK_WRIT_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_SOME_PERMITTED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_SPI_BAUD_125KHZ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_BAUD_1MHZ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_BAUD_250KHZ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_BAUD_2MHZ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_BAUD_4MHZ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_BAUD_500KHZ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_BAUD_8MHZ - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_CE0 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_CE1 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_CHANNEL0 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_CHANNEL1 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_MISO - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_MODE0 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_MODE1 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_MODE2 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_MODE3 - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_MOSI - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_OPEN_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_SPI_SCLK - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_SPI_XFER_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_TIMER_FAILED - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_TOO_MANY_CBS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_TOO_MANY_CHARS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_TOO_MANY_OOL - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_TOO_MANY_PARAM - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_TOO_MANY_PULSES - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_TOO_MANY_SEGS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_TOO_MANY_TAGS - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND - Static variable in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT_SYNC - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_WAVE_MODE_REPEAT - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_WAVE_MODE_REPEAT_SYNC - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PI_WAVE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- PIDCommand - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command
A command that controls an output with a
. - PIDCommand(PIDController, DoubleSupplier, double, DoubleConsumer, Subsystem...) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDCommand
Creates a new PIDCommand, which controls the given output with a PIDController.
- PIDCommand(PIDController, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleConsumer, Subsystem...) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDCommand
Creates a new PIDCommand, which controls the given output with a PIDController.
- PIDController - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller
Implements a PID control loop.
- PIDController(double, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Allocates a PIDController with the given constants for Kp, Ki, and Kd and a default period of 0.02 seconds.
- PIDController(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Allocates a PIDController with the given constants for Kp, Ki, and Kd.
- PIDDistanceDrive - Class in
- PIDDistanceDrive(double) - Constructor for class
- PIDSubsystem - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command
A subsystem that uses a
to control an output. - PIDSubsystem(PIDController) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDSubsystem
Creates a new PIDSubsystem.
- Pigpio - Class in jpigpio
Pigpiod wrapper class using native C++ methods.
- Pigpio() - Constructor for class jpigpio.Pigpio
- PIGPIOD_MESSAGE_SIZE - Variable in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- PigpioException - Exception in jpigpio
A clas sthat defines the exceptions that can be thrown by Pigpio.
- PigpioException() - Constructor for exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PigpioException(int) - Constructor for exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PigpioException(int, String) - Constructor for exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PigpioException(String) - Constructor for exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PigpioException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PigpioException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PigpioException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- PigpioSocket - Class in jpigpio
An implementation of the Pigpio Java interface using sockets to connect to the target pigpio demon socket interface (see
SeeJPigpio interface
for full documentation - PigpioSocket(String, int) - Constructor for class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
The constructor of the class.
- PiTest - Class in frc.team670.pi.tests
Controls motor direction of a single motor
- PiTest() - Constructor for class frc.team670.pi.tests.PiTest
- playFile(File) - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
Play a data file through the device.
- PLOS_CNT - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
- Position - frc.team670.pi.ControlMode
Position closed loop
- powerDown() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
- PRIM_RX - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
- PrintCommand - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command
A command that prints a string when initialized.
- PrintCommand(String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PrintCommand
Creates a new a PrintCommand.
- printDetails(PrintStream) - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Print detailed information about nRF24 chip
- Protocol - Class in jpigpio.packet
Class defining properties of RF communication signaling.
- Protocol() - Constructor for class jpigpio.packet.Protocol
- ProxyScheduleCommand - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command
Schedules the given commands when this command is initialized, and ends when all the commands are no longer scheduled.
- ProxyScheduleCommand(Command...) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.ProxyScheduleCommand
Creates a new ProxyScheduleCommand that schedules the given commands when initialized, and ends when they are all no longer scheduled.
- Pulse - Class in jpigpio
Class to store pulse information
- Pulse(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jpigpio.Pulse
Initialises a pulse.
- put(byte[]) - Method in class jpigpio.packet.Rf433tx
Converts provided data to waveforms using properties of Protocol and transmits waveforms repeatedly (if required by Protocol).
- PWR_UP - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
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