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DATA_SIZE - Variable in class jpigpio.packet.Protocol
datagram data size (in bytes)
datagramErrorCount() - Method in class jpigpio.packet.NotificationListener
datagramErrorCount() - Method in class jpigpio.packet.Rf433rx
Simple statistics returning number of errors in datagrams.
dataRateToString(int) - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
dataReady() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Checks if data is available for reading in RX FIFO
deadline(Command, Command...) - Static method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandGroupBase
Factory method for ParallelDeadlineGroup, included for brevity/convenience.
deadlineWith(Command...) - Method in interface edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command
Decorates this command with a set of commands to run parallel to it, ending when the calling command ends and interrupting all the others.
delay(double) - Static method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer
Pause the thread for a specified time.
delay(long, int) - Method in class jpigpio.GPIO
DGRM_KEEP_ON_ENCODING_ERROR - Variable in class jpigpio.packet.Protocol
Set this to False to discard datagrams where encoding error was detected.
DGRM_LENGTH - Variable in class jpigpio.packet.Protocol
datagram length in bytes (always double of DATA_SIZE because datagrams are constructed out of nibbles (4bit))
DGRM_REPEAT - Variable in class jpigpio.packet.Protocol
DGRM_REPEAT_RX - Variable in class jpigpio.packet.Protocol
report this many same datagrams as a single datagram (eliminate duplicates)
DGRM_REPEAT_TX - Variable in class jpigpio.packet.Protocol
repeat transmission of each datagram this many times to make sure at least one got through
DGRM_RX_TIMEOUT - Variable in class jpigpio.packet.Protocol
disable() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Scheduler
Disable the command scheduler.
disable() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandScheduler
Disables the command scheduler.
disable() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDSubsystem
Disables the PID control.
disableContinuousInput() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Disables continuous input.
disableCRC() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Disable CRC
Disabled - frc.team670.pi.ControlMode
Disable Motor Controller
disabledInit() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase
Initialization code for disabled mode should go here.
disabledInit() - Method in class frc.team670.robot.Robot
This function is called once each time the robot enters Disabled mode.
disabledPeriodic() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase
Periodic code for disabled mode should go here.
disabledPeriodic() - Method in class frc.team670.robot.Robot
disableMidi() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
The LCtech board contains a design flaw.
DistanceDrive - Class in
DistanceDrive(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
doesRequire(Subsystem) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Command
Checks if the command requires the given Subsystem.
DPL_P0 - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
DPL_P1 - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
DPL_P2 - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
DPL_P3 - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
DPL_P4 - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
DPL_P5 - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
DRIVE_BASE_WHEEL_DIAMETER - Static variable in class frc.team670.robot.RobotConstants
Drive Base Wheel Diameter in Inches
driveBase - Static variable in class frc.team670.robot.Robot
DriveBase - Class in frc.team670.robot.subsystems
Represents a tank drive base.
DriveBase() - Constructor for class frc.team670.robot.subsystems.DriveBase
DriveForSetTime - Class in frc.team670.pi.tests
Drive for a specified amount of time
DriveForSetTime() - Constructor for class frc.team670.pi.tests.DriveForSetTime
dump() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
dumpData(byte[]) - Static method in class jpigpio.Utils
Dump an array of bytes
DYNPD - Static variable in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
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