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- GAIN_0230 - Static variable in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- GAIN_0330 - Static variable in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- GAIN_0390 - Static variable in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- GAIN_0440 - Static variable in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- GAIN_0660 - Static variable in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- GAIN_0820 - Static variable in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- GAIN_1090 - Static variable in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- GAIN_1370 - Static variable in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer
Get the current time from the timer.
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.button.InternalButton
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.button.Trigger
Returns whether or not the trigger is active.
- get() - Method in class jpigpio.packet.Rf433rx
Get one packet from available packets.
- getAccelX() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.WiiNunchuck
- getAccelY() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.WiiNunchuck
- getAccelZ() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.WiiNunchuck
- getAddressWidth() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Return address width in bytes
- getAudata() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
- getAutomaticRetransmission() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
- getBass() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
Get the Bass register value.
- getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase
- getChannel() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Get frequency channel nRF24 chip is currently using
- getClockF() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
Read the ClockF register of the device.
- getConfig() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Read CONFIG register
- getController() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDCommand
Returns the PIDController used by the command.
- getController() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDSubsystem
- getCurrentCommand() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem
Returns the command which currently claims this subsystem.
- getCurrentCommand() - Method in interface edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Subsystem
Returns the command currently running on this subsystem.
- getCurrentTick() - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- getCurrentTick() - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- getCurrentTick() - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- getD() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Get the Differential coefficient.
- getData(byte[]) - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Read data received into the array
- getDefaultCommand() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem
Returns the default command (or null if there is none).
- getDefaultCommand() - Method in interface edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Subsystem
Gets the default command for this subsystem.
- getDefaultCommand(Subsystem) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandScheduler
Gets the default command associated with this subsystem.
- getDelay() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.HC_SR04
Get the delay in microseconds for a trigger/echo
- getDetails() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
- getDirection() - Method in class jpigpio.GPIO
- getDist() - Method in class frc.team670.pi.sensors.UltrasonicSensor
Calculates and returns the distance
- getDistance() - Method in class frc.team670.pi.sensors.Encoder
Calculates and returns the distance for which the motors have rotated
- getDistance() - Method in class
- getDistance() - Method in class
- getErrorCode() - Method in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
Retrieve the error code that was returned by the underlying Pigpio call.
- getFIFOStatus() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
- getFPGATimestamp() - Static method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer
Return the system clock time in seconds.
- getI() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Get the Integral coefficient.
- getId() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
Get the device id.
- getImperialDistance() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.HC_SR04
Get the distance in inches of detection or -1 if no object detected.
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Scheduler
Returns the
, creating it if one does not exist. - getInstance() - Static method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandScheduler
Returns the Scheduler instance.
- getJoyX() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.WiiNunchuck
- getJoyY() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.WiiNunchuck
- getLeftEncoder() - Method in class frc.team670.robot.subsystems.DriveBase
- getMeasurement() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDSubsystem
Returns the measurement of the process variable used by the PIDController.
- getMessage() - Method in exception jpigpio.PigpioException
- getMetricDistance() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.HC_SR04
Get the sensor measured distance to the target in meters.
- getMode() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
Retrieve the device mode register value.
- getName() - Method in interface edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command
Gets the name of this Command.
- getP() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Get the Proportional coefficient.
- getPayloadSize() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
- getPeriod() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Returns the period of this controller.
- getPigpio() - Method in class jpigpio.GPIO
Should only be needed if not mapped by gpio class
- getPin() - Method in class jpigpio.GPIO
- getPin() - Method in exception jpigpio.WrongModeException
Retrieve the pin that was flagged as being in the wrong mode.
- getPinE() - Method in class frc.team670.pi.Motor
Returns the E pin for the motor
- getPositionError() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Returns the difference between the setpoint and the measurement.
- getPWMDutycycle(int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Returns the PWM dutycycle being used on the GPIO.
For normal PWM the dutycycle will be out of the defined range for the GPIO (see [*getPWMRange*]).
If a hardware clock is active on the GPIO the reported dutycycle will be 500000 (500k) out of 1000000 (1M).
If hardware PWM is active on the GPIO the reported dutycycle will be out of a 1000000 (1M). - getPWMDutycycle(int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
Not implemented
- getPWMDutycycle(int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- getPWMFrequency(int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Returns the frequency of PWM being used on the GPIO.
Returns the frequency (in Hz) used for the GPIO.
For normal PWM the frequency will be that defined for the GPIO by [*setPWMFrequency*].
If a hardware clock is active on the GPIO the reported frequency will be that set by [*hardwareClock*].
If hardware PWM is active on the GPIO the reported frequency will be that set by [*hardwarePWM*]. - getPWMFrequency(int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
Not implemented
- getPWMFrequency(int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- getPWMRange(int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Returns the range of PWM values being used on the GPIO.
If a hardware clock or hardware PWM is active on the GPIO the reported range will be 1000000 (1M). - getPWMRange(int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
Not implemented
- getPWMRange(int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- getPWMRealRange(int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Returns the real (underlying) range of PWM values being used on the GPIO.
- getPWMRealRange(int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
Not implemented
- getPWMRealRange(int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- getRequirements() - Method in interface edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command
Specifies the set of subsystems used by this command.
- getRequirements() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandBase
- getRightEncoder() - Method in class frc.team670.robot.subsystems.DriveBase
- getRotations() - Method in class frc.team670.pi.sensors.Encoder
Calculates and returns the number of rotations the wheel has gone through
- getRXAddresses() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Read addresses receiver is listening from
- getServoPulseWidth(int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Returns the servo pulsewidth being used on the GPIO.
- getServoPulseWidth(int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
Not implemented
- getServoPulseWidth(int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
Not implemented
- getSetpoint() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Returns the current setpoint of the PIDController.
- getSetpoint() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.PIDSubsystem
Returns the reference (setpoint) used by the PIDController.
- getStatus() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Read STATUS register
- getStatus() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
Retrieve the status register of the device.
- getStatus() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- getTicks() - Method in class frc.team670.pi.sensors.Encoder
Returns number of ticks the encoder has gone through
- getTXAddress() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.NRF24L01
Read transmitter address - source address
- getValue() - Method in class jpigpio.GPIO
- getVelocityError() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController
Returns the velocity error.
- getVolume() - Method in class jpigpio.devices.VS1053
Read the volume register of the device.
- getX() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- getY() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- getZ() - Method in class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
- gpio - Variable in class jpigpio.GPIOListener
- GPIO - Class in jpigpio
- GPIO(JPigpio, int) - Constructor for class jpigpio.GPIO
- GPIO(JPigpio, int, int) - Constructor for class jpigpio.GPIO
- gpioDelay(long) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Delay for the specified number of microseconds
- gpioDelay(long) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioDelay(long) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioDelay(long, int) - Method in class jpigpio.impl.CommonPigpio
- gpioDelay(long, int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- gpioGetMode(int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Retrieve the mode of the given gpio
- gpioGetMode(int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioGetMode(int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioInitialize() - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- gpioInitialize() - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioInitialize() - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- GPIOListener - Class in jpigpio
Simple interface for implementing GPIO callbacks
- GPIOListener(int, int) - Constructor for class jpigpio.GPIOListener
- gpioRead(int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Retrieve the state of the gpio
- gpioRead(int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioRead(int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioServo(int, int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Starts (500-2500) or stops (0) servo pulses on the GPIO.
The selected pulsewidth will continue to be transmitted until changed by a subsequent call to set_servo_pulsewidth.
The pulsewidths supported by servos varies and should probably be determined by experiment. - gpioServo(int, int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioServo(int, int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioSetAlertFunc(int, Alert) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- gpioSetAlertFunc(int, Alert) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioSetAlertFunc(int, Alert) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioSetMode(int, int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Set the mode of the gpio
- gpioSetMode(int, int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioSetMode(int, int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioSetPullUpDown(int, int) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- gpioSetPullUpDown(int, int) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioSetPullUpDown(int, int) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioShiftOut(int, int, boolean, boolean, byte) - Method in class jpigpio.impl.CommonPigpio
Shift out a byte of data to a given pin.
- gpioShiftOut(int, int, boolean, boolean, byte) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Shift out a byte of data to a given pin.
- gpioShiftOut(int, int, boolean, byte) - Method in class jpigpio.impl.CommonPigpio
Shift out a byte of data to a given pin.
- gpioShiftOut(int, int, boolean, byte) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Shift out a byte of data to a given pin.
- gpioShiftOut(GPIO, GPIO, boolean, boolean, byte) - Method in class jpigpio.impl.CommonPigpio
- gpioShiftOut(GPIO, GPIO, boolean, boolean, byte) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- gpioShiftOut(GPIO, GPIO, boolean, byte) - Method in class jpigpio.impl.CommonPigpio
- gpioShiftOut(GPIO, GPIO, boolean, byte) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- gpioTerminate() - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Terminate the usage of the pigpio interfaces.
- gpioTerminate() - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioTerminate() - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioTick() - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
- gpioTick() - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioTick() - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioTrigger(int, long, boolean) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Set the specified gpio to the level specified by level for the duration (in micro-sec) specified by pulseLen and then set the gpio back to not-level.
- gpioTrigger(int, long, boolean) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioTrigger(int, long, boolean) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Set the state of the gpio
- gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
- gpioxPulseAndWait(int, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in interface jpigpio.JPigpio
Pulse a named pin and then wait for a response on a different pin.
- gpioxPulseAndWait(int, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class jpigpio.Pigpio
- gpioxPulseAndWait(int, int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class jpigpio.PigpioSocket
Not implemented
- GY_271 - Class in jpigpio.sensors
The GY-271 is a module that provides a multi axis magnetic field measurement that is typically used to provide a compass.
- GY_271(JPigpio) - Constructor for class jpigpio.sensors.GY_271
Construct the object for this class.
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